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    Schedule a consultation for BELKYRA™ with our specialist


    BELKYRA™ is a non-surgical, FDA-approved cosmetic injectable that is used in adults to reduce submental fullness, or double chin. Men and women alike can be affected by submental fullness, regardless of their lifestyle or weight. The injection contains a synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is used to permanently break down fat cells in the area. A slimmer, more contoured neck angle often gives patients more confidence in the appearance of their side profile.


    • Reduce the appearance of double chin
    • Create a slimmer looking neck angle
    • Give the jawline a more defined appearance

    Zones of treatment


    How it

    BELKYRA™ injections work over the course of multiple treatments to break down fat cells and flush them out of the body. Dr. Boudana will inject the product in an evenly distributed, grid like pattern, ensuring natural looking results. In the weeks following treatment the product will dissolve the stubborn fat under the chin. Topical numbing will be used to provide a more comfortable injection experience.

    What it treats


    Best results can be seen after just 2-3 injection sessions that are performed over a 6-8 week course. You will begin to see a gradual change in your neck angle, anywhere from 4-6 weeks following the treatment. As the fat under the chin becomes less and less visible, patients see a slimmer, more contoured jawline and improved side profile.

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    Our team of dedicated and trained professionals understand your needs and strive to deliver the highest standards of medical care to help you achieve elegant, youthful and natural beauty.